In the Cash Flow Distributions screen I see Gross Salary Available For Living Expenses. How is this calculated and used by the program?
This applies when one spouse/partner retires before the other and the non-retired spouse/partner has salary income. The program starts retirement expenses with the first retirement date. So if the other spouse/partner has $100K in net income (after taxes and any contributions to savings), this amount will be used for any expenses in retirement before the program looks at other funding [...]
When WealthTrace applies annual returns does it look at the fees of each fund I own and subtract it?
WealthTrace applies annual returns based on the" target="_blank asset class mix of each investment holding. Although the program can show you the fees you pay on the funds and ETFs you own in the Investment History section, it does not deduct those fees from the annual return. However, you can [...]
How do I run several scenarios at one time where the scenarios have changes to multiple variables in each scenario?
You can run several scenarios where each scenario can have more than one variable changing under Scenarios > User-Defined What-Ifs. For example, you can specify in a scenario that you will retire 2 years earlier than the base case and cut retirement spending by 10%. src="" [...]
The median value on the Monte Carlo screen is less than the Investment Value at End of Plan number I see on the main screen. Why is that?" target="_blank Monte Carlo runs 1,000 scenarios on your investments where annual returns vary in every year. Every scenario has its own End of Plan value for investments. The median is the one in the middle of those values. The Investment Value at End of Plan on the main screen is the total value of all investments [...]
I won't pay state income taxes on my pension payments. How do I set this in the program?
There is a setting for ‘Apply State Taxes To Pension Payments’ that you can set to No. It is under Plan Inputs & Assumptions > Plan Settings > [...]