I am still working, but my spouse is retired. I entered Living Expenses in Retirement of $75,000. These expenses are shown as starting immediately, and not when I retire. Why is that?
The Individual version of WealthTrace assumes living expenses in retirement begin with the earliest retirement date. If one spouse/partner is still working, the program will apply his or her net salary (after taxes and investment contributions) to expenses. In the Advisor version of WealthTrace, users can change this [...]
I have a linked account that is not updating. I want to manually update the balance until it properly links again. How do I do this?
If an account is not updating due to problems with the bank, broker, or our linking partner, you can change the account balance, and the program will keep that balance until you change it again or until the account begins updating [...]
I want to link my accounts and pull in all of the balances and holdings. But for security reasons, I then want to have the auto-update turned off. How do I do this?
You can link accounts and then turn off the updating. Once this is done for an account, the login credentials are deleted from our linking partner, [...]
Is there an easy way to see which holdings are being used for paying expenses?
You can view how expenses are paid by each investment, both by investment growth and principal [...]
I have two traditional IRAs that I might want to convert to Roth IRAs. How do I handle this in the Roth Conversion Scenarios section, which only allows me to choose one account to convert to?
There is a workaround for this. Set one of the traditional IRA's balances to $0, and add the amount you took out to the other IRA's balance. In this example, each IRA originally had a balance of $100,000. After making the change, the second IRA's balance is $0, and the first IRA's balance is $200,000. Now you can use the Roth Conversion Scenarios section and run the scenario on the traditional [...]