What is the order of how income and investments are used for expenses in retirement?
When the primary plan participant is retired, expenses are funded in the following order: Salary from a spouse/partner who is still working Required minimum distributions Deferred compensation payments Income from entries in the Additional Cash Inflows section Social Security Pensions Investment growth and principal from taxable and tax-advantaged accounts first, then non-qualified accounts, and [...]
How do I view required minimum distributions (RMDs) that I do not use for expenses?
You can view the excess RMDs (over and above what's used for spending) by looking at the amount transferred to taxable accounts as seen in the screenshot below. RMDs that are not spent are only transferred to accounts labeled as 'taxable,' and are distributed pro rata to these accounts based on their balances at the [...]
When I have an expense, which sources of income are used to cover it first? What about investment assets?
The order is as follows: Additional Cash Inflows Social Security Pensions Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) Deferred Compensation Taxable/Tax-Advantaged Growth Taxable/Tax-Advantaged Principal Non-Qualified Tax-Deferred Growth Non-Qualified Tax-Deferred Principal Qualified Tax-Deferred Growth Qualified Tax-Deferred Principal This is usually the most tax-efficient way to withdraw money. [...]
How does the program assign or calculate the portion of the annual return that is due to dividends, capital gains, and interest?
The program estimates the share of the annual return that is due to dividends, capital gains, and interest using the asset classes of each holding. For example, if you have a fund that is 60% in growth stocks and 40% in medium term bonds, the program maps the share of the return that is due to dividends, capital gains, and interest as seen in the screenshot below. In this example, growth stocks [...]
I want to view historical transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, interest, and dividend payments. Where I can see this?
If your accounts are linked, we begin tracking historical data (such as balances, transactions, and account performance) from the day they are linked. You can view transactions for any linked account as seen [...]