Can I see if it makes sense to buy long-term care insurance?
WealthTrace has long-term care scenarios where you can see what happens if you need long-term care and don't have insurance vs. having insurance. You can find this under Scenarios > Insurance > Long-Term Care [...]
How do I add a company match for my 401(k) account?
You can enter a company match for contributions to a 401(k) plan as seen in the screenshot below. The match is based on a percent of your contribution. In the example below, the company match would be 0.5 * 15,000 = 7,500. The match is limited by the Max. Match (% of Salary). If the Max. Match is set to 25% and your salary is $100,000 per year, the company match cannot go over [...]
I have an account with a small balance, but large contributions. When I look at projections for each investment, I don't see the balance growing by nearly enough. Where are the contributions?
Balances for accounts might not look intuitive if you have the setting 'Rebalance Investments Annually' set to Yes. You can see this setting below. If this is set to Yes, the program rebalances investment accounts each year to the percentages the accounts were at the beginning of the year. In this example, the contribution does occur, but then the account is rebalanced back to its smaller portion [...]
Can I change my state income tax rate in any year?
Under Plan Inputs & Assumptions > Plan Settings > Taxes you can tell the program that your state income tax rate will change in a certain year or you can have it change At [...]
Where do I enter tax deductions and can I itemize?
Tax deductions can be set in Plan Inputs & Assumptions > Plan Settings > Taxes. You can use the Standard Deduction or you can choose your own deduction amounts if you [...]